The first year of a baby is amazing.
As a mum, you are looking forward to meeting your baby. You spend nine months preparing for this moment, practising breathing, reading books, asking for advice, wondering what your baby looks like, and finally, here she is.
No matter how many hours of labour or what birth you had. Now your precious baby is laying on your chest, and it’s the most beautiful feeling. Your eyes are tearing with joy; you cannot feel the birth pain anymore because all you can think is just in front of you.
You are exhausted but over the moon. Your husband is looking at you both with pride and happiness. He takes a photo of that little creature laying on you, and that will be your most precious memory, the beginning of your baby story. This is my girl and me 🙂
Then you go home, and all is new. You realise that no book you read, no advice you asked, was relevant after all. They say “babies don’t come with a manual” for some reason!
Every baby is different and you, as a mum, are the only one who will know your baby best. You will learn why she is crying. You will learn how to hold her. You will learn when to cuddle her . . . you will know when there is something wrong. I realised that your instinct and common sense are often time the best!
You are tired and sleep-deprived, you try to figure out how to breastfeed and feel hopeless, but you will spend so much time looking at how perfect your baby is. You will hold that baby in your arms as long as you can because you are so in love that you cannot stop. People will tell you that you shouldn’t always hold your baby, you should let her cry . . .
That is your baby, and unfortunately, she will grow so fast you cannot imagine. Those little hands, those cute feet, will change in a few months. The newborn feature of her face will change in just a few weeks.
In a matter of months, she will mumble, she will roll, sit, then stand . . . walk!
At every stage, you couldn’t be more proud of your baby. You want to call your hubby, friends, mum and let them know her progress.
As a mum myself, I experienced all this. I have photos of my daughter smiling, rolling, sitting, standing . . . now she is five, and we recently reviewed some images together. You forget how little they were. Your eyes are tearing again when you see those photos, and your child will look at them with curiosity and ask questions.
As a photographer, I love seeing my babies again over the year. It’s incredible how they change, and I’m so honoured to be part of it.

Let me help you remember your baby’s first year with beautiful photos.
I promise it will be well worth it because, in 10, 20, 30 years, those images will be simply priceless. They will be the story of your baby and the family’s legacy.
Please have a look at my portfolio here.
Wouldn’t you love to have beautiful images of your baby? Get in touch for a free consultation and learn how I can help you.
[…] the first pregnancy in 2015 and the newborn a few months afterwards. Then I saw them again for the first birthday and finally here comes the second […]