Category Archives: Guest Post

Practical Tips to Travel with Children

dad and daughter looking at the sea standing on the beach

School is now finished and the holidays are officially on! I came back myself last night from a week in Lanzarote, a great holiday I will share with you soon. I thought this was the perfect time of the year to post this article kindly written by Karen Simmonds, owner of the family travel specialist...

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    How young Mums can better Care for their Babies and themselves

    woman with open arms breathing the air

    Guest post written by Dominique Antiglio, founder of BeSophro. I had a mini session of Sophrology and I  felt really lighter and more relaxed. Read the article and try the exercise she is suggesting. As a young mum myself, I know it can be challenging to take care of your baby, look after yourself and...

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      5 Simple Tips to avoid Baby Flat Head Syndrome

      osteopath treating baby for flat head

      I am part of a great networking group in south London called Pure Pregnancy.  We are all women that work with pregnant mamas and parents in a different way but all with the same passion: from therapists, midwives, doulas and yoga teacher, to postnatal and baby-feeding experts. We meet regularly and talk about what we...

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